It Is Already Here…

  • The thought-stream is already in the public awareness…
  • It began 59 years ago to the date on September 8, 1966 when the first series of Star Trek appeared on the nation’s TV sets. Since then the show has morphed into many different series such as The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager. Chances are, you know a ‘Trekkie’. This series set the seeds of a (mostly) friendly contact and discovery with other civilizations in the galaxy and universe.
  • Eleven years later, the ground breaking movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind hit theaters on November 16, 1977. After an unexplained experience, a lineman undertakes the classic quest where he stumbles on a meeting between the Humans-on-Earth and an interstellar race. This movie brought into consciousness both that interactions can be civil and beneficial, and the classification of contact types between Humans-on-Earth and the interstellar races.
  • Twenty years later in 1997, the movie Contact was released which is an adaptation of a story by Carl Sagan. In this story, a SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) scientist finds evidence of interstellar communication from Vega and is chosen to make first contact.
  • Almost twenty years later, the movie Arrival was released in 2016 about an interstellar race called heptapods that visit the Earth and finds that some of us are ready, and that some of us aren’t yet evolved enough, for contact with and between the interstellar races.
  • I use movies as examples as they can transport the viewer into an experience which may broaden their perception of other modalities of being. Maybe you have seen these movies…if not, I suggest viewing them.
  • This is 60 years of, perhaps, prepping us for the next phase of our evolution?
  • There continues to be a Great Contestation of Control. Should any major contact experience with interstellar races arrive, the humans may evolve and the structures of power and control that exist will perhaps become obsolete as the planet moves to a global perspective from one of nation-states with their tendencies towards isolation and control.
  • This Great Contestation of Control is why we have the darker side of the process with radio and movies like War of the Worlds, V, Independence Day, and Battle Los Angeles. While these radio programs and movies may be entertaining, one could contemplate that if the ‘aliens’ wanted to take the planet, they would have done so already. We haven’t been very good stewards of the planet. I could suggest that as a whole we have been detrimental stewards of the planet, and yet still the ‘landlords’ have not returned and evicted us. Every contact experience may not be a positive experience, but every contact experience may not be a negative experience either. It depends on the structure of beliefs that we view this experience with. Some people may see an angel, some people may see a Pleiadian. It is about belief structures, and as a whole, these are changing on the planet.

CEx Classifications

  • The classifications of types of contact with interstellar races began in 1972 with publications by J. Allen Hynes that distilled the first three types of contact, also known as Close Encounters (CE). This first scale of CE1-CE3 was used in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3). It appears that the CE term Close Encounters has morphed into Contact Experience.
  • This initial scale was extended to CE4 and CE5 by Jacques Vallee’ in 1990. There was a reinterpretation of the meaning of CE5 by Dr. Steven M. Greer to make the CE5 scenario more of a Human-on-Earth initiated contact scenario. This reinterpretation is included below.

In general, the Classifications define types of contact experiences:

  • CE1 – a contact experience where there is a visual sighting of a unidentified flying craft less than 500 feet away,
  • CE2 – a contact experience where physical effects are observed such as traces on the ground, malfunctioning of electronic vehicles, and related effects,
  • CE3 – a contact experience where an animated entity is present, or that the craft seems to have occupants or pilots,
  • CE4 – a contact experience where a transformation of the witness’s sense of reality is experienced such as the end of the movie Contact,
  • CE5 – a Humans-on-Earth initiated contact with interstellar races attempting to establish direct communications between the parties. This is the Ambassador level.

Mediation and Ambassadorship.

An ambassador can be defined as an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country, or a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity. The main distinction is that of sovereignty. Typically an ambassador represents the country that they were nationalized in.

Can a person be sovereign to themselves? Many believe so. Although we live in nation-states, we can be an ambassador for ourselves and for other citizens. This is because there are many power systems on the planet that are closed to interaction, and therefore aren’t available for a person to be able to influence them. Many CE5 participants and others believe that the Governments have hidden or competing agendas. Thus one has to assert their own sovereignty. This is not an anti-nation-state stance, it is a pro-self-fulfillment stance. We still have to live within the societies in which we reside, but we can also be change agents.

The difference between a mediator and an ambassador is that the mediator is independent to the parties being interacted with, and an ambassador is a mediator without this independence. Ambassadorship is closer to the negotiation realm, yet there is significant dialogue that can fall outside the theoretical boundaries of a confined negotiation. An ambassador also has to take into account histories, politics, and special legal frameworks. In mediation, the participants bring these issues with them. Both mediators and ambassadors work with dispute resolution, either the prevention of further disputes, or the resolution of them after they occur. Both mediators and ambassadors are change agents.

Within the CE5 process, the person acts as an ambassador to establish contact and to facilitate the beginnings of understanding. These processes are well within the core functions of ambassadorship. The mediation occurs when power structures open and the person can assist in the dialogue. The ambassadorship occurs between the person and the interstellar races, and the mediation occurs between interested parties (Humans-on-Earth) that want to evolve and change.

Both functions of ambassadorship and mediation will be required to evolve into our future. Perhaps that future is already here.

Learning More About CE5.

To learn more, consider reviewing the movie Contact: The CE5 Process below which was released in 2023. There is significant energy around the CE5 process. There is also an app to learn how to use the process and to find other interested people with which to work. The movie can be streamed on Prime and GAIA channels, and other sources exist as well.

Change doesn’t happen over night. Change does happen over 60 years. Each of the positive movies discussed earlier are seed templates. They began to sprout and are now actively growing. Blooms are forming. This will be very interesting to watch and to be a part of!

Mediating the Future…

Mediating Evolution…

Mediating Family, whether they be terrestrial or interstellar…

Maybe the X-Files had it right…The Truth Is Out There…and maybe it is coming to find us in the near future.